About Us

Odex is an out-of-home media specialist, member of IKO Media Group.

Our services help you choose the most efficient of all the available options on the out-of-home media market, on the best price available. We optimize your media package, we don’t sell our own inventory, and this is why your interests and ours’ are the same. Our pragmatic media planning processes always focus on the main goals of your campaign.

We have the necessary tools from research and planning software through professional expertise to local knowledge – all these serve your interests.

We are in contact with all media owners on a daily basis, and provide you up-to-date market information and statistics. We have insight into the most recent, most relevant market offer and innovative solutions as well.

Besides planning, optimizing and campaign management, our support also includes involvement of independent specialists providing market analysis and research expertise.

Our mission is to strengthen the confidence in the out-of-home advertising, and provide the opportunity for all advertisers to benefit the advantages of this media segment.